Johann Straus II - Vergnügungszug (Pleasure Train), op. 281

Johann Strauss II , known for his waltzes and lively compositions, had a unique approach to his creative process. He consistently sought contemporary and relevant themes to serve as the driving force behind his new musical compositions. This approach ensured that his work remained fresh and connected with the audiences of his time.  One notable instance of this creative approach was the composition of this polka, composed in 1864. This piece of music was specifically crafted for a summer concert held in the picturesque Russian town of Pavlovsk. It's fascinating to note that Strauss drew inspiration for this composition from the world around him. In this case, he found it in the emerging technology of the time, namely, the steam locomotive. The composition itself is a testament to Strauss's ability to capture the essence and energy of the subject matter. The rhythm of this dance piece mirrors the rhythmic chugging and movements of the old-fashioned steam trains that were prevale

Georges Bizet - Introduction

Portrait of Georges Bizet.

In his short passage from the earth - he lived for only thirty-seven years - Georges Bizet never tasted the happiness of success. Yet this admiredly gifted composer also possessed a work, the opera Carmen, which was meant to be one of the most popular music compositions. The constant compromises he was forced to make have certainly been an obstacle to the enjoyment of the popularity he deserved.

His opponents outnumbered his supporters. But considering that Nietzsche proposed Bizet's music as an antidote to the sonic rationality, dogmatism and meticulousness of Wagnerian lyrical dramas, we understand that the acceptance or rejection of the French composer's music was primarily a matter of not as much objective value and assimilated disposition as prejudices and antagonisms.

In his short and not particularly bright life, some relatively time devoted to primary musical creation. He did not make the most of his abilities and facilities, but composed music full of freshness and charm with orchestrations of transparency and colorfulness at the same time, music full of soothing qualities but also triggering of excitement and emotion mechanisms.

And we must not forget, of course, that his masterpiece Carmen, a play watered down with theatrical realism, holds the place of the forerunner of Italian verism.
